" 9/11, It changed everyone emotionally, so people were scared"- John Harwood
1. I dont remember alot, but i remember i was like in 3rd grade, and this happening.
2. In class, Elementary.
3.My teacher in elementary school.
4. The towers in New York were gone.
5. Nothing that i remember.
6. That anything can happen at anytime and anyplace.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Architecture Photos
This Is details since i im really close up.
This Is Light
This is Pattern( gray scale)
This is Shapes and Angles
Monday, May 9, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
action shots
Juan trying to act like he can play soccer, so he kicks it up and down on his foot.
the car is passing by at an outstanding speed:0
Juan kicking the ball once again in a bad ass angle=]Monday, April 25, 2011
5 Buildings around the world+
The architect is Paul Andreu.
It started December 2001 and finished July 2007.
It is located in Beijing, China.
It is public.
It cost roughly 32 billion CNY.
I picked this building because it was cool. I like the egg shape, and from this point of view. It looks like the

It was designed by Behnisch Architekten.
It was founded July 1, 2007.
It is a public building, a bank.
No there is not!.
I picked this building because of the texture it has. Its really cool the way people builded this bank.
It was designed and architect by Moshe Safdie.
It is a public hotel.
No there is not information on how much it costs.
No there isnt information for that either.
I picked this building because it was trippy. its cool the way some of the rooms from the hotel are coming in and out of the building.

the architect is piet blom
in 1984
they are innovated houses
they are no information on how much it costs
no there isnt history
i picked this building because the slanted houses caught my eyes. i wanted to see waht made them like that and i have already.
the world architecture survey among architect experts.
established october 18, 2007.
it is located in Abando, Bilbao, Spain
i chose this bulding because it looked like a ship to me. But when i read more about it was actually a museum. its cool that it is on the water to. the sunset will look beautiful.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
New Writing Japan
Everyone around the world.
Everyone in japan
Japan had a tsunami and earthquake and now radiation is in the ocean
Earthquake and tsunami in japan
We dont know.
Radiation in the ocean
There are none
March 11th 2011.
March 11th 2011
In japan
The plates underneath the earth
I think its bad since the radiation is in the ocean. hopefully those people are alright. I just dont want the radiation coming across the ocean and coming to the united states.
Everyone around the world.
Everyone in japan
Japan had a tsunami and earthquake and now radiation is in the ocean
Earthquake and tsunami in japan
We dont know.
Radiation in the ocean
There are none
March 11th 2011.
March 11th 2011
In japan
The plates underneath the earth
I think its bad since the radiation is in the ocean. hopefully those people are alright. I just dont want the radiation coming across the ocean and coming to the united states.
New Writing #2
Randy Velarde
His witnesses and Greg Anderson
The player( Randy Velarde)
Randy Velarde is taking steroids.
He wanted more energy.
Losing his carrer.
This baseball player is doing steroids.
Workout more or use steroids to boost.
March 7th
The court
Because the player was buying steroids.
Buying Steroids
Him and the drug dealer
I dont really care.
His witnesses and Greg Anderson
The player( Randy Velarde)
Randy Velarde is taking steroids.
He wanted more energy.
Losing his carrer.
This baseball player is doing steroids.
Workout more or use steroids to boost.
March 7th
The court
Because the player was buying steroids.
Buying Steroids
Him and the drug dealer
I dont really care.
New Writing
Austin I.S.D
The employees
The schools and employees
The superintendent Meria Carstarphen
The money budget
Employees are being cut
One of the teachers were cut
Losing their job
To cut employees or to lose millions of dollars.
It happened Wednesday night at Bowie high school.
Through the years of the school board.
Through the city of Austin Tx.
By cutting Employees
Millions of dollars.
Anybody who loses their job and people at school.
I dont really care, as long as none of my family loses their jobs.
The employees
The schools and employees
The superintendent Meria Carstarphen
The money budget
Employees are being cut
One of the teachers were cut
Losing their job
To cut employees or to lose millions of dollars.
It happened Wednesday night at Bowie high school.
Through the years of the school board.
Through the city of Austin Tx.
By cutting Employees
Millions of dollars.
Anybody who loses their job and people at school.
I dont really care, as long as none of my family loses their jobs.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Josh Birnbaum
Some of the angles, More focus, More light
Detail Shots, Up tight in the photo
I thought some of the photos were good.
Some of the angles, More focus, More light
Detail Shots, Up tight in the photo
I thought some of the photos were good.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Japan Earthquake/ Tsunami
I feel like bad for this guy because of all the things that are happening to him and all the people in japan right now. They lost everything they have and hopefully get better. The photographer used rule of thirds.
I feel bad for this guy because he got killed. Underneath big heavy protectors. R.I.P. The photographer used symmetry and patters.
I feel bad for all the people in japan. Looking at all the dead bodies makes the earthquake one of the baddest one.
I feel bad for this guy because he got killed. Underneath big heavy protectors. R.I.P. The photographer used symmetry and patters.
I feel bad for all the people in japan. Looking at all the dead bodies makes the earthquake one of the baddest one.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
1.) I think its a cool project to do, to see if people would help you with this project even though they dont know the person their posing with.
2.) I would help the photographer out and just did what he said.
3.) To do this kind of project around school would be fun.
4.) I think he used some of the rules in some of the photos but not a lot. He took good photos.
2.) I would help the photographer out and just did what he said.
3.) To do this kind of project around school would be fun.
4.) I think he used some of the rules in some of the photos but not a lot. He took good photos.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
I think this was a cool advertisement because its coo how the company is making advertisements with their own hands. It looks like there under water with the coral and fish.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Elements of yearbooks & Notes.
1. Pictures
3. Cover
4. Location
5. Different fonts
6. Words
7. Contents
Cover is a separate piece and made out of glue. I see a capitalized p with the name and the school, Year, and the schools motto.
The theme of mines is ' The name says it all'.
I see the table of contents which tells you the parts of the book. Called insheets Front insheets and back insheets. In the back insheets i see the name of the school, and the credits of who made the yearbook.
I see a football player cheering with the schools name,motto, and the schools address.
Spread- two pages side by side that work together.
The pages consist of a girl playing percussion in her uniform and a football game. ' the name says it all'
The page after the theme is called a divider page.
7 sections.
students life
i see a blank page, and a page with a lot of names.
Every good year book has a colophon.
Colophon describes how the yearbook was made, who made the year book, who took the pictures.
The first add is call Inspired. index, random pictures,
i have 18.
3. Cover
4. Location
5. Different fonts
6. Words
7. Contents
Cover is a separate piece and made out of glue. I see a capitalized p with the name and the school, Year, and the schools motto.
The theme of mines is ' The name says it all'.
I see the table of contents which tells you the parts of the book. Called insheets Front insheets and back insheets. In the back insheets i see the name of the school, and the credits of who made the yearbook.
I see a football player cheering with the schools name,motto, and the schools address.
Spread- two pages side by side that work together.
The pages consist of a girl playing percussion in her uniform and a football game. ' the name says it all'
The page after the theme is called a divider page.
7 sections.
students life
i see a blank page, and a page with a lot of names.
Every good year book has a colophon.
Colophon describes how the yearbook was made, who made the year book, who took the pictures.
The first add is call Inspired. index, random pictures,
i have 18.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
Magazine Cover Types
Cover Types: 1. Early Magazine Covers.
2. The Poster Cover
Very few texts, The picture is the most dominant piece, very apeiling. In general they would have a page number that you would go to. In a poster cover magazine it must be a cool photo, or something that everybody knows. Disadvantages of poster cover could be boring, doesnt tell you whats inside the magazine.
3. Pictures Married to Type
Characteristics of this cover is that the words dont cover up important parts of the photo. The words relate to the picture of the cover, and they tell us what we see in the magazine. Work together and help each other out. Disadvantages is it may not be apeiling to the rest of the inside magazine(mases)
4. In The Forest of Words
Lots of words organized in headline style and sub headlines. Healines are smaller. Different Fonts. 1 mager photo, and smaller photo. The picture is not the most important element. It has multiple sets of entry. Disadvantages. Two major disadvantages and takes away the photo.
Stuff That Should be on my Magazine Cover.
Titles, photos, bar code, date, price.
2. The Poster Cover
Very few texts, The picture is the most dominant piece, very apeiling. In general they would have a page number that you would go to. In a poster cover magazine it must be a cool photo, or something that everybody knows. Disadvantages of poster cover could be boring, doesnt tell you whats inside the magazine.
3. Pictures Married to Type
Characteristics of this cover is that the words dont cover up important parts of the photo. The words relate to the picture of the cover, and they tell us what we see in the magazine. Work together and help each other out. Disadvantages is it may not be apeiling to the rest of the inside magazine(mases)
4. In The Forest of Words
Lots of words organized in headline style and sub headlines. Healines are smaller. Different Fonts. 1 mager photo, and smaller photo. The picture is not the most important element. It has multiple sets of entry. Disadvantages. Two major disadvantages and takes away the photo.
Stuff That Should be on my Magazine Cover.
Titles, photos, bar code, date, price.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Best Covers
#1Rolling Stone-Formal. #2 Vanity Fair- Formal, #3 Esquire-Informal , #9 Harpers Bazaar-Formal, #10 National Geographic-Enviromental, #11 Life-Formal, #13 LIFe Special Edition-Formal, #15 Harpers Bazaar-Formal, # 18 ESPN Magazine-Formal, #19 Esquire-Informal.
Favorite Cover

This Cover that was off of Esquire is Muhammad Ali and he has 6 arrows going inside
and out of his body.
Favorite Cover
This Cover that was off of Esquire is Muhammad Ali and he has 6 arrows going inside
and out of his body.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Magazine Cover up and catch up
The 5 things i should be thinking about when i design my magezine cover is the brand should be on, try to make it interesting, make it where it catches the persons eye, put interesting captions on the cover about whats inside, and try to make it worth time and money.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
1.Have fun with it. Be sexy. Be yourself. Be awesome. Be different. Be creative. Whatever you do, have fun with it. That’s part of the point, after all.
Predictin Relationships Within The Frame
A great deal of people photography is understanding human nature and being aware of how people usually react in given situations. If someone is sitting in a café he will usually look up when the waiter approaches. People will generally smile when they see a baby or open a present. Crowds rise when a batter smashes a ball that looks like it's headed for the seats. Think about the situation you are photographing and how people are likely to act in it. Then prepare yourself for the moment.
You can create an especially revealing self-portrait by adding personal memorabilia surrounding your mirrored image, such as photos of yourself at various stages of your life, or anything that tells the viewer about your interests. Besides a mirror, a window can sometimes offer a reflective surface for you to capture your own image.
I liked this picture because it has a lake of cranberry juicy. Its uses the rule of thirds. The sky looks cool. The whole picture is focused.
This is another cool picture since it looks good, theres nobody in the booths or around the subject except his coffee and merchandise. With a serious look.
Predictin Relationships Within The Frame
A great deal of people photography is understanding human nature and being aware of how people usually react in given situations. If someone is sitting in a café he will usually look up when the waiter approaches. People will generally smile when they see a baby or open a present. Crowds rise when a batter smashes a ball that looks like it's headed for the seats. Think about the situation you are photographing and how people are likely to act in it. Then prepare yourself for the moment.
You can create an especially revealing self-portrait by adding personal memorabilia surrounding your mirrored image, such as photos of yourself at various stages of your life, or anything that tells the viewer about your interests. Besides a mirror, a window can sometimes offer a reflective surface for you to capture your own image.
I liked this picture because it has a lake of cranberry juicy. Its uses the rule of thirds. The sky looks cool. The whole picture is focused.
This is another cool picture since it looks good, theres nobody in the booths or around the subject except his coffee and merchandise. With a serious look.
This is a cool picture cause its a self portrait and its famous. It is the mona lisa.
I thought this was a cool self portrait because of the way his hair looks. It looks
really good in this photo.
I plan on taking portraits of me first, then moving on to my friend Israel Cruz. We will be taking these portraits at Akins highschool. We will take good pictures, good expressions, etc.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Welcome Back.
I liked this picture because i thought it was a good picture, on how alot of people dont have enough money to get where they want. So they are willing to sit on a dangerous spot like this woman.
This is a cool picture that i liked cause its a car flying in the air. Going fast.
This was also a cool picture. Because it shows a human skeleton in the middle of a building which is cool.
Grape by young jeezy,cause it had a cool beat and lyrics.
Toy story 3

The most important event of the year was the bp oil spill in the gulf of mexico, it caused so many problems.
Justin Beiber even though i dont like him.
Skateboarding was the biggest sport and entertainment for me.
My friend got so drunk on new years that he started throwing up and it was so funny.
Getting better at skateboarding. and workout,
Everything that is gonna be happening.
This is a cool picture that i liked cause its a car flying in the air. Going fast.
This was also a cool picture. Because it shows a human skeleton in the middle of a building which is cool.
Grape by young jeezy,cause it had a cool beat and lyrics.
Toy story 3
The most important event of the year was the bp oil spill in the gulf of mexico, it caused so many problems.
Justin Beiber even though i dont like him.
Skateboarding was the biggest sport and entertainment for me.
My friend got so drunk on new years that he started throwing up and it was so funny.
Getting better at skateboarding. and workout,
Everything that is gonna be happening.
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