The architect is Paul Andreu.
It started December 2001 and finished July 2007.
It is located in Beijing, China.
It is public.
It cost roughly 32 billion CNY.
I picked this building because it was cool. I like the egg shape, and from this point of view. It looks like the

It was designed by Behnisch Architekten.
It was founded July 1, 2007.
It is a public building, a bank.
No there is not!.
I picked this building because of the texture it has. Its really cool the way people builded this bank.
It was designed and architect by Moshe Safdie.
It is a public hotel.
No there is not information on how much it costs.
No there isnt information for that either.
I picked this building because it was trippy. its cool the way some of the rooms from the hotel are coming in and out of the building.

the architect is piet blom
in 1984
they are innovated houses
they are no information on how much it costs
no there isnt history
i picked this building because the slanted houses caught my eyes. i wanted to see waht made them like that and i have already.
the world architecture survey among architect experts.
established october 18, 2007.
it is located in Abando, Bilbao, Spain
i chose this bulding because it looked like a ship to me. But when i read more about it was actually a museum. its cool that it is on the water to. the sunset will look beautiful.