Monday, November 29, 2010

Print Evaluation

1.) Yes, there is a girl that is sharp focused.
a. The girl is the one that is focused, then when you see the kids in the background, you can see it is more blurry than the girl.
b. My picture is in sharp focus.
2.) My picture i think has good contrast.
3.)  My picture has some of the rules. But you can see kids in the background working. It does show academics  because my subject is working on a paper.
A. My picture had rule of thirds, it had cropping.
b. i will remember the rules and try to apply them to my next photo i take.
4.) Yeah there are a couple white dots on my photo and a white line.
a. i probably didn't let light come in  enough, or i messed up when i was making the print.
5.) yeah there are a couple white spots.
a. i messed up when i was making the print in the dark room.
6.) Yes, they are all in my photo.

Monica Sonia and Jessica Lopez.
They are Doing there work.
They are in school.
They are doing this during School.
They are doing this so they can pass there classes.

Lets Write Captions:
1.) Monica Sonia doing her work next to Jessica Lopez, with there pencils, so they can pass there class,  in the school morning, in school at Akins highschool.
2.) This is Monica Sonia doing her work, during class with kids around her.

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